Modular solution from building site to post-building

Boost productivity and optimize the construction site in an integrated way, with efficiency and agility.

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Several stages of the construction, managed on a single platform

With 11 integrated modules, Mobuss Construção attend your needs in various construction processes.


Deliver a positive result to your customers with a well executed project, within the planned schedule and budget.

Mobuss Construção promotes collaborative project management and unified communication among those involved throughout the building process, reducing communication errors and the need for rework.

Recommended Module


Management of the labor

Centralize data and reliable information to get more efficiency in production control and the elimination of losses.

The field information is quickly passed on with Mobuss Construção to those in charge of building management, optimizing decision making and guiding work from the office to the construction site.

Security and occupational health

Avoid the unforeseen and accidents at the construction site through a active control of employee safety information and equipment.

Mobuss Construção assists in the organization and storage of data relating to the employees and preventive maintenance of the machinery, facilitating the supervision of the safety processes in the work in accordance with the legal requirements.

Security and occupational health

Quality and environment

Promote the sustainability and continuous improvement of your work, planning and managing processes and quality criteria that meet the customer’s needs.

In addition to contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact and the final cost of the work, Mobuss Construção supports the monitoring of quality indicators and inspections in construction, assisting in the flow of building site and the planning of resources, processes and people.

Quality and environment

Delivery of units

Ensure customer satisfaction with the end result of the construction by means of a formal process of delivery and receipt of the enterprise.

Mobuss Construção facilitates the planning, execution and verification of the delivery of the units, so that everything occurs within the established deadlines and with the lowest possible incidence of non-conformities, positively impacting the final client. .

Recommended Module

Inspection and Delivery

Delivery of units

Post construction

Offer excellence and agility in customer service after the completion of the construction, accompanying from the request of the service to the resolution of the event.

It is possible with Mobuss Construção record and control the execution of technical assistance calls, seeking to identify the main problems after the work and thus take the most effective corrective and preventive actions.

Recommended Module

Technical Assistance

Post construction


Cataguá Construtora bets on integrated construction site management

In Technical Assistance, the technicians gained more autonomy, as they can open tickets in the field using the tablet. With the implementation of Mobuss, customers are able to open calls through the construction company's website, which facilitates and optimizes the services, and before that they could only do it through the application.

Gabrielle Batista da Silva

Customer Relations Assistant.

TAO Engenharia acquires new certifications with the help of Mobuss Construção

With the system, it became much easier to organize information, and we were able to standardize our communication. We are able to monitor when a non-compliance is generated in real time. We have already started to treat the root cause, among other calculations, so that it does not happen again in our works.

Fernanda Cenedese

Process & Quality Analyst

ImobCon optimizes the management of the work with technology

We were able to more easily identify the calls, in addition to having fields to detail the information. The data is clearer to look at compared to an Excel spreadsheet.

Renata Picoloto

Engineering Assistant

HVM Incorporadora: agility from start to post-construction

When the final inspection was carried out without using Mobuss Construção, the notes were passed on to the correction team on the next working day. With the tablet, the person in charge is able to consult in real time, right after the evaluator transmits the information to the server. Thus, we reduce the idle time of those in charge.

Raoni Tavares de Souza

Civil Engineer

Rocha Empreendimentos invests in communication with customers

On paper we only had disconnected information and we needed to manage it, and today, instead of that, we have data. Thus, we were able to analyze what needs to be optimized in our processes and put these improvements into practice.

Bruno Rocha

CEO of Rocha Empreendimentos

ATR Incorporadora invests in quality control automation

Productivity gains are very much related to the moment of perception of the error and the right time to correct it. With the old process, when we saw the need to correct a problem, there was a lot of rework, as more service fronts had already passed through there and lost what they had done. With technology, this is instantaneous. The work had a 100% more effective quality process.

Gabriel Correa and Eduardo Leite

Members of the ATR Engineering team

Lyx Engenharia: construction process control

After the implementation of Mobuss Construção, we were able to reduce the number of non-conformities in external audits, and consequently improve our performance. Today we have information much faster, being able to act preventively.

Luana Fialkoski

Quality Analyst

Mobility solution in construction: check it out Embraed's example

Now we have more rigor in inspection processes, with consolidated data, complete records, with photos and markings, in addition to sending information quickly to the center, requests for assistance have also reduced.

Leonardo Weber

Quality and Technical Assistance manager


Mobuss Construction is the right choice for thousands of building sites, our data prove our commitment to success.


reduction in service rework


increase in productivity in consolidated cases


companies that joined Mobuss Construção


of nonconformities in construction sites resolved

See more companies that have increased their results with Mobuss Construção

Technological resources and utilities

Features to make your management even more efficient.

Working online and offline

Access control

Integration with ERPs, CRMs, planning tools and legacy systems

Integration with BI Technologies and Excel

Availability in the cloud

Multi-languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish)


Unlimited users

File Library

Personal and Business Calendars

Attachments and bookmarks

Constant updating

Portal to centralize information

Expert support

Mobile devices for construction information gathering

Find out more about Mobuss Construção


Invest in knowledge to evolve your operations.

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